On Wisconsin Club By-Laws

Article I

The name of the organization is the On Wisconsin Club ("Club"), located in The Villages of

Lake/Sumter/Marion counties, Florida. The purpose of the Club is for the enjoyment and fellowship

derived from engaging in social and other activities as may be agreeable to the membership and

guidelines as established by The Villages Community Development District — Recreation Department.

Members must be residents of The Villages and must have had residency in the State of Wisconsin at

one time in the past. Attendance is restricted to members and their guest and guests must be 18 years

or older

Article II

The Executive Board ("Board") shall be comprised of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer

and Members-at-large. The general duties of the Executive Board are as follows.

President• Manages the Club, and organizes and runs the Board and Membership meetings.

Vice President: Chairs the entertainment responsibilities and substitutes for the President, as necessary.

Secretary: Documents the Board and Membership meetings.

Treasurer: Manages the Club finance bank accounts and checkbook.

Past President: Can give advice in running the club if requested by the president or board but will not be

a voting member of the board

Members-at-Large: Represent different aspects of Club management, such as Entertainment (e.g.: food

management) and Historian (e.g.: club photographer) membership recruitment and board recruitment

Business Administration (e.g.: online payment processing, website management) or other admin type

processes are appointed by the Board

Officers and members at large will be elected for two-year terms,

The officers President and Secretary will be elected in odd numbered years and the Vice President,

Treasurer will be elected in the even number years. Two Members at large elected in even years and

two elected in odd number years.

In the event that a Board Member cannot or will not finish out their term of office a replacement will be

placed by the Board. That position will be included in the next election.

A Simple majority of the Board must be present, either in person or electronically, at a Board meeting to

qualify as a quorum. Once a quorum exists, a simple majority of the votes of those available are required

to pass an action. A quorum is not required of all current members at a membership meeting for

approval of any action. A simple majority vote of those present is adequate.

Candidates for the Board shall be members nominating themselves or candidates brought forward by

the current Board. The election of officers shall be voted on during a Spring (March or April)

membership meeting with the term of office beginning on June 1. Elections can be done with online

voting or at membership meeting that had the elections posted on the meeting agenda

Article III

The fiscal year shall run from January 1 through December 31. Membership meetings shall be held every

month from September through May Annual dues shall be set by the Board with dues paid annually.

Article IV

The Board is responsible for the appointment of committees.

Article V

The Treasurer's books may be audited at the end of the fiscal year or at the Board's request if it is

deemed necessary. The monies collected from the annual dues and other sources shall be made

available to the officers and various committees to pay for expenses and programs. The annual

donations to charities shall be financed primarily through the 50/50 drawings or special events. The

President and Treasurer will be authorized to sign checks, deposit or withdraw monies from the Club's

bank account.

Article VI

There shall be no cap on the organization’s membership. A cap on the organization’s member limit, if

any, shall be initiated by the Board of Directors, subject to a by-law amendment approval by the


Article Vll

These By-Laws may be amended at any time with a simple majority vote of the membership attending

the meeting where the vote is taken. Proposed changes must be initially proposed by a Board member

or a Club member and discussed at a Board meeting with the Board recommending a change. The

changes will be made in an electronic medium, on the website and/or in an email to the membership

prior to a vote by the membership. Changes shall become effective immediately.

These By-Laws were adopted by the Board on April 5, 2018.

These By-Laws were adopted by the membership on April 16, 2018.

These Revised By-Laws were adopted by the Board on February 2, 2023

These updated By-Laws were adopted by the membership on February 20, 2023

Article VI of these By-Laws was revised and adopted by the membership via an

online vote and ratified by the Board 2/8/24.

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